Psychotherapy and Constellation Work
“The workshop intends to show how Constellation work provides simple yet profound psychotherapeutic alternatives that integrate a systemic perspective with direct, concise, and expedite procedures. We will combine the presentation with constellation movements used in the work, that will help participants work through some basic universal conflicts” Rafael Ruiz

Rafael Ruiz (Mexico)
Email: [email protected]
Rafael Ruiz-Amdal facilitates constellations since 2003 and has been training constellations in Querétaro Mexico and in Guatemala since 2011. He trained with Carola Diduche in Querétaro, Mexico, with Bert Hellinger at more than 7 intensive seminars in Mexico City and with Francesca Mason Boring in Maryland.
He is a clinical psychologist trained in Psychoanalysis, Gestalt, and other psychotherapeutic schools. He is retired professor of psychology at the Universidad Autonoma de Queretaro where he taught for 30 years.
Recently he dedicated himself to his private psychotherapeutic practice, offers constellation workshops in Querétaro and trainings in other parts of Mexico, North America (including Canada), Central and South America. He is a long-standing member of ISCA and of its Latin America Chapter.
Email: [email protected]
Address: Margaritas #31, Jardines de Queretaro, 76020 Santiago de Querétaro, Qro., Mexico
Phone: +52 442 223 0804