Spirituality in Family Constellations
April 17, 2023
Day6: Wednesday, 03 May | Keynote

Spirituality in Family Constellations


Dr.med. Albrecht Mahr (Germany)

Dr.med. Albrecht Mahr (Germany)

Facharzt für Psychosomatische Medizin und Psychotherapie, Psychoanalyse, Systemtherapie


Expert in psychosomatic medicine and psychotherapy, psychoanalysis and systems therapy. Married to Brigitta Mahr, father of two adult children. He is the founder and director of ISAIL – Institute for Systems Constellations and Integrative Solutions, offering family and systemic constellations work in Germany and internationally: family constellations for clients, the year-long intensive group “In life phases that are moving the heart” and supervision groups for therapists, counselors and consultants.

Author of numerous texts and articles on systemic constellations, editor of “Konfliktfelder – Wissende Felder, Systemaufstellungen in der Friedens- und Versöhnungsarbeit” (“Fields of Conflict – Field of Wisdom” – Systemic Constellation Work in Peace and Reconciliation Work) in 2003, author of “Von den Illusionen einer unbeschwerten Kindheit und dem Glück, erwachsen zu sein” (“On the illusions of a carefree childhood and the luck of being adult.” ) in 2016, in German only.

Since 2011 participant of the “Ridhwan” training, the combination of psychoanalytically based depth psychology and non-denominational spirituality. The Ridhwan work gets continuously integrated into the above-mentioned constellation work.

Websites: https://mahrsysteme.de/?lang=en


ISAIL – Institut für Systemaufstellungen und Integrative Lösungen
Unterer Dallenbergweg 40
D – 97082 Würzburg
Tel. +49-(0)931-7840100
Mobil: +49-(0)172-6612955
Email: [email protected]

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